I’m back from Thailand and if you saw last weeks post you will be aware that The Wednesday Pants are no more. They were cut into shorts for the last episode of the series and never made it back Australia. When I started this series a year ago I can honestly say I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought it would be easy but it was not! TWP became almost an obsession. I was constantly thinking of new ways to wear them and every item of clothing I perused online or in store was critically appraised to determine how well it would work with these pants. Please join me for a stroll down memory lane as I recap my favourite moments from the last 12 months. Read on for all the details …
Before I start it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge this very special day, you see my baby boy turns 20 today. 20! The time goes so fast. It seems like only yesterday that I was bringing him home from the hospital. Unfortunately I am in Melbourne for work and won’t even be there to give him a big hug! I am so proud of the lovely young man he has grown into and he never fails to make me smile. In keeping with my theme of reminiscing I couldn’t help but share a few photos of when he was still little 🙂 Isn’t he just the cutest thing ever?
Anyhoo back to the business at hand. I can hardly believe The Wednesday Pants are done and dusted. It has been a fun ride over the last twelve months but I am happy to be closing this chapter and moving on to something new (tune in next week to find out what!). I’ve had a lot of fun writing this post, looking back over the year that was and remembering each and every one of the outfits I wore and the things that were happening in my life at the time. Trying to wrap a series in one short post is no easy task but here goes …
Over the last twelve months The Wednesday Pants have:
- traveled to 4 different countries; Australia (Sydney & Melbourne), USA (Hawaii), Indonesia (Bali) and Thailand (Patong & Koh Phi Phi). Can you tell I favour a beach holiday? lol;
- been with me as I struggled through the Sydney siege, celebrated the start of 2015 and mourned the tragic loss of my sister in law;
- been featured in black & white;
- grey (my favourite!);
- and a riot of colour;
- proven their versatility in spring/autumn, summer and winter;
- and collaborated with sixteen link up co-hosts. Here are just a few but thank you so much to all of you!
So even though The Wednesday Pants are no more the Link Up will be back next week so I hope you will continue to stop by and add your fabulous outfits. I love looking through them all and getting inspiration from you amazing ladies 🙂
Until next time …
Happy Hunting!
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