If you follow me on social media, you will know that I was privileged to visit Perth, Western Australia last week for a brief stint. This is my fifth visit to Perth and all have been work trips, but I have managed to get out and about a little when in the west, particularly when I extended one of my stays over an adjoining weekend and my Mum flew over to explore with me. Perth is touted as one the most isolated cities in the world and with a population of just under two million in many respects it is like a big country town, but it has much to offer visitors whether it be for a pit stop like me or a longer stay. If you read my last post you will know that I lost my phone recently and while I do now have a replacement, the vast majority of my photos from Perth were lost with it. Luckily, I did save a handful before I lost it which was more good luck than good management because I never do this. I’m sharing my favourite things to do plus where to stay, eat and shop, when you visit Perth. Read on for all the details …