On our first morning in Launceston we woke up to torrential rain. After checking the scene from our hotel window we crawled back under the covers for another hour hoping the miserable weather would clear. It didn’t. At 9am, unable to sleep any longer, we prised ourselves from the bed in despair. We had planned to spend the day hiking the many trails of Cataract Gorge but the prospect of bush walking dripping wet through sludge didn’t really appeal. We googled ‘things to do in Launceston in the rain’ (as you do lol) and while the usual suspects popped up (museums, movies, indoor pool etc), nothing inspired. By 10am I’d had enough of sitting around and decided to brave the elements and get out amongst it anyway. Read on for all the details …
Launceston City Park
We had come to Tasmania ill prepared for wet weather. What were we thinking? Luckily, our hotel The Grand Chancellor Launceston had umbrellas on standby for guests. We grabbed two from the front desk before heading out. The minute the frigid air hit my bare face I regretted my decision, but I refused to lose face in front of The Hubs and I soldiered on. For 5 minutes. Then I went back to the hotel room and added virtually every piece of clothing I had. I had four layers up top and even dragged a pair of trackies over the top of my jeans. Bear in mind, we visited in January, the height of the Australian summer. I looked ridiculous when we headed back out for take 2, but I didn’t care. Our first stop of the day was Launceston City park which was only a block or so from our hotel. The rain had eased sightly, but everything was decidedly soggy so we had the picturesque grounds all to ourselves. The ducks (and the cutest little ducklings) didn’t seem to mind a bit! The conservatory provided much needed relief when a sudden downpour hit but strangely there were no kids on the playground.
Looking For Things To Do In Launceston
As if the rain wasn’t enough to deal with, the wind began howling. Hard! The grid like CBD streets made the perfect wind tunnel and I could feel the icy chill through all my layers. Keeping the umbrellas in check as we wandered was hard enough without having to balance them to take photos. We passed the Boags Brewery and the Automobile Museum which always feature highly on ‘things to do in Launceston’ lists before deciding a spot of lunch was in order.
We have dined at the Hogs Breath Cafe many times and when we spotted the distinctive signage across the road from the Automobile Museum we couldn’t resist. The restaurant occupies the former gas works building and they have done an amazing job preserving all the features. We wasted no time ordering a warming hot chocolate. Launceston is a delight for foodies and one of my favourite restaurants is the Black Cow Bistro in the heart of the CBD but we were let down by the Prickly Cactus when we were craving Mexican.
The weather had eased slightly while we lunched. Enough that we decided to head to Cataract Gorge after all. We had to walk back past our hotel and we ditched the umbrellas. The wind was rendering them almost useless anyway. It crossed our mind to grab the car we hired from Airport Rentals for our Tasmanian road trip while at the hotel but we decided to walk the short distance to Cataract Gorge in defiance of the weather. En route we passed through the centre of Launceston CBD and I couldn’t resist stopping at Cocobean for their gorgeous hand crafted chocolates. The 5 I bought were almost too pretty to eat … almost. Blueberry was my favourite.
Cataract Gorge
I have no idea what we were thinking not bringing the car. I blame The Hubs. The walk might have been only 15 minutes long, but it was torture. The road out of the CBD inclines sharply. I have dubbed this heartbreak hill. The picture does not do the slope justice. The hand rails were most certainly needed and my calves were screaming in pain as they still hadn’t recovered from our hike in Wineglass Bay two days earlier. To add insult to injury, the heavens opened again and we got drenched. All 4 layers. Suffice to say, we were in a pretty miserable place when we finally reached Cataract Gorge Reserve.
When we arrived the information centre had already closed which we thought was rather bizzare but the server selling the chairlift tickets told us all we need to know. As we headed to the chairlift, we realised we were the only people around stupid brave enough to challenge the elements and it was an eerie feeling seeing all the other chairs empty as we crossed high over the river. We noticed the deserted pool as we sailed over head. I find it hard to believe it would ever be warm enough for an outdoor swim in Launceston. As we rode the chairlift, the rain suddenly stopped and the cloud cover started to break. Things were looking up.
When we reached the other side shafts of sunlight started to peek through the canopy and we started off on the shortest of the trails. The ground underfoot was treacherous and after a few near falls on the slippery rocks I decided to call it a day. There is a delightful little café on the grounds and plenty of magnificent peacocks hang around strutting their stuff. Just don’t feed them!
We had only purchased a one way chairlift ticket so we opted for the ‘easy walk’ back into town. The well groomed path hugged the river and was a cinch compared to heartbreak hill. I wish I had known about the route earlier! With each passing step the weather improved. By the time we reached the Cataract Gorge boundary the sky was a vibrant blue and barely a cloud was left to mar the brilliance. I swear to you, every photo in this post was taken on the same day. If you are still looking for things to do in Launceston, stop in at Penny Royal Adventures on the walk back to town where you can try your hand at rock climbing and zip lining. When we reached our hotel our clothes had all but dried out, we had ditched a layer or two and our spirits had lifted considerably as the clouds were swept away. Despite the less than auspicious start, I’m not sorry we decided to dice with Mother Nature. Just look what we would have missed out on if we had retreated to the hotel room for the day.
Getting to Launceston is easy, we paid just $55pp return for our Jetstar tickets to Tasmania. I have spent more hours than I care to tally hunting down bargain airfares and you can find all my top tips for scoring a cheap flight here. What do you do when the weather rains on your parade while travelling? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.
Until Next Time …
Disclaimer:Â This post is not sponsored. We paid our own way in Launceston and as always, all opinions are my own.
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Sanna says
We were incredbly lucky being there during 7 days! By the end of these 7 days we felt like a true local!
Jessica Esa says
Well done for getting out in the rain! I absolutely love that photo of the peacock, peacocks are so special. Your pictures are fantastic. I’d love to visit here one day.
Marion Halliday (Red Nomad OZ) says
Hahaha … I’m laughing in sympathy, not amusement! We didn’t do Cataract Gorge when in Tassie as we just had 10 days, but wherever we went and whatever the time of day we seemed to be dressed inappropriately!!! Will definitely be going to the gorge next time – but I’ll take your tip and drive. That’ll make it a LOT easier to eat the chocolates 😀
Allison Smith says
Oh the chocolate!!!! I should have bought more lol
Riely says
Glad you decided to venture out of the hotel despite the torrential pour. The weather really wasn’t on your side that day! By your photos, you would think it was two completely different days! Too funny. Heartbreak hill does look torturous! Happy the sun came out in the end though. Happy Travels
Allison Smith says
It felt like two different day Riley! I’m glad we decided to get out anyway. It would have been very disappointing to miss out!
Sandy N Vyjay says
Cataract Launceston looks spectacularly beautiful after the rains. The rain washed paths look so beautiful. It is a pity that the weather played spoilsport. But you have come up with some really stunning pictures. Love them.
Allison Smith says
It really was beautiful Sandy. Never let a little rain spoil your day!
Agness of aTukTuk says
This park abounds in green spots. I would love to go there for a walk or have a picnic, Allison!
Allison Smith says
It’s the perfect place for either!
Janine Good says
Heartbreak hill would have killed my calves too. Golly. But the views and scenery looked so worth it. The hot chocolate sold me for a visit there as well. I usually go for espresso drinks, but it looks too good to pass up. the chocolates looked amazing! Not the average truffle design. Thanks for coming to Fly Away Friday 🙂 xo
Allison Smith says
We should have taken the ‘easy’ way both ways Janine!
Kana says
Wow the views are GORGEOUS but mostly the chocolate 😀 Haha! Thanks for joining Fly Away Friday! See you next week! xo
Allison Smith says
The chocolate was really good lol
Kate says
It is always my luck to hit torrential rain somewhere I’ve waited a long time to explore. I was stuck in Brisbane during the floods a few years ago and couldn’t get to the Whitsundays.
I’m glad the weather turned out so nice for you in the end. Its crazy looking at the grey photos and bright blue skies from the same day.
I would love to hike those trails but its good to know what there is to do if that’s not possible. The chocolates would definitely feature in my trip!
Allison Smith says
Oh Kate that must have been heartbreaking! The Whitsundays are spectacular and I have been many times. We made the best of the hand we were dealt and the chocolates are good in any weather ?
Christopher says
The greenery in the first picture is beautiful. I love that you tried to go out then ran back indoors to get more clothes. For me, coming from Canada, warmth will trump fashion in dire straits. Mother Nature is always throwing curve balls but I love how you headed out anyways!For some reason I like the look of those industrial buildings. Boags Brewery looks like the type of place I can spend part of a rainy day in. Lol
Your pictures are gorgeous!
Allison Smith says
I don’t know if I could cope with a Canadian winter Christopher! I would have to hibernate for six months of the year! There would be worse places to be stuck indoors at than at Boags lol
Suresh says
well taken pictures. Are you a photographer by profession?
Allison Smith says
Lol Suresh no I am not. I just takes lots and lots trying to get a good one! Many get deleted in he process lol
Sandy N Vyjay says
Captivating place! I rarely do park visist. But when I do all I love to do is sit or lie down while reading a book or take a short nap. By just looking at your wonderful photos this kind of place can look like a perfect retirement place. 🙂
Allison Smith says
It was a little damp to get sitting down reading on the day we were there Sandy but in the sunshine it would be perfect!
Bhusha says
I can totally relate to your situation. After a rainy night, I got dressed up, got ready and by some chance I ended up calling the conservatory where I was headed to, only to find out it was closed!!!! Face palm moment! Atleast in your case, the conservatory was open! Those ducklings look uber cute!
Glad the rain stopped and the weather became better. The landscape looks incredible! Btw for $55, that’s one heck of a deal!
Allison Smith says
Yes the airfare was a great deal Bhushavi! It was one of Jetstar’s ‘fly free return’ deals that they have from time to time. I never pay full price lol
Liana Moore says
Nice job weathering the rain. I am sure it was worth it. I remember one of my first hiking experiences in Colorado where it was sunny when we set out and about the time we were ready to turn back started dumping snow. A couple of us were in shorts. The colors in your photos are amazing, perhaps because of the rain. #FlyAwayFriday
Allison Smith says
Wow! I would not have been happy to be caught in the snow in shorts!
Wanderlust Vegans says
Launceston looks like a lovely place to explore. I liked the city park and the gorge. Although rain wouldn’t stop me from exploring. I actually prefer it, less people are around that way! Thanks for the tips. We hope to go one day.
Allison Smith says
There were definitely less people around that’s for sure!
Swati & Sam says
The place looks amazing. Especially the rain drenched park and the wet tar road. The gorge looks stunning as well. The view of the inclined road and the town looks stunning. Would love to visit this place.
Allison Smith says
It was miserable to start but Om glad we went out anyway lol
Adrenaline Romance says
Very nice views! I love how the gray sky diffused and toned down the bright colors of the structures. Also, that river looks inviting; is kayaking allowed there?
Allison Smith says
Grey skies always make for the most dramatic photos.
Kate says
I love going out on rainy days. Less people. I think you can do some cool photography too! As you did. Can’t always predict the weather
Allison Smith says
There was most certainly less people out and about. It was kind of eerie actually how quiet it was.
Reebex | Recovering Hippie says
Wow the photography looks incredible. You can really see how the weather changed throughout the day. This looks very much like the kind of place I would like to spend some time. Thank you for sharing.
Allison Smith says
Thank you! When I looked back at the photos it was hard to believe it was the same day.
Sara Essop says
Launceston looks beautiful. I don’t know if I’d have been brave enough to go out in the weather you did -bad weather tends to get me down – but it looks as though It all worked out. Your pictures are gorgeous.
Allison Smith says
I so glad we did though Sara. As we only had a few days there we had to try and it all worked out in the end!
Jennifer says
You just can’t control the weather and sometimes you have to make the best of it, even in the rain. Looks like it cleared up for at least part of your trip though. And how adorable is that little lighthouse for the ducklings? Just way to cute! That sight alone would clear up my rainy day blues.
Allison Smith says
The sucking were adorable. They didn’t seem to mind the rain Jennifer lol
Megan Jerrard says
So glad that the sun cleared up for you in the end … yes, Tasmania is one of those places where you need to be prepared for every season / weather in one day! OMG I’m impressed that you made that walk – I know the hill well! We’re actually moving to Tassie in June, will be located an hour out of Launceston, so looking forward to *driving* lol to Cataract Gorge when we can 🙂 Glad you had a great day despite the morning rain!
Allison Smith says
That is so cool Megan! Hope the move works out for you!
Natasha says
The gorge is absolutely beautiful. I wouldn’t mind spending a rainy day there!
Allison Smith says
It was truly spectacular Natasha! The rain certainly kept the crowds away!
Kavey at Kavey Eats says
You had some poor luck with unseasonal weather, it seems, lucky you had enough layers to make up for it. Like the ideas you found to visit during the rain (especially the conservatory and the brewery) and glad you got to see the Gorge as well in the end!
Allison Smith says
I put in just about every layer I brought Kavey! On thing I have learned travelling is that you can never control the weather!
Katherine says
You poor thing, you must have been freezing! When I was in Launceston I had a massive coat to keep me warm and I was still cold, at the end of October. It’s small and quiet but Cataract Gorge is beautiful and the brewery isn’t bad either! #FlyAwayFriday
Allison Smith says
I was OK after I reevaluated Katherine! I was in Launceston in July the first time I visited and that was very brisk!
Katherine says
You poor thing, you must have been freezing! When I was in Launceston I had a massive coat to keep me warm and I was still cold, at the end of October. It’s small and quiet but Cataract Gorge is beautiful and the brewery isn’t bad either! #FlyAwayFriday
Allison Smith says
I sure needed that coat Katherine! Didn’t really think my packing choices through lol
Gina says
I literally got so excited because of the pool overlooking the amazing lake and views. What a difference a few hours make in photos. Cloudy or clear, this place is breathtaking!
Allison Smith says
I love the dark cloud pics. So dramatic! But I was glad when the some came out Gina lol
you.theworld.wandering says
Your time in Launceston sounds unreal! I’d really love to go. I was feeling for you with the steep and rainy walk to Cataract Creek! Hogs Breath sounds amazing, especially the way they have kept the old building. A great post!
Kristie – you.theworld.wandering
Allison Smith says
I hope you make it to Tasmania soon! It is lovely ?
Sandy N Vyjay says
The rains have indeed weaved a magical spell and the place looks so beautiful. The paths awash with rain are shining and the flowers look beautiful in bloom. I loved the picture of the peacock, looks really enchanting.
Allison Smith says
The peacocks were so tame and let you get right up close! The rain did make for some stunning scenes!
Nuraini says
Technically rated rain jacket – that’s the answer. I don’t even bother with umbrellas now. With the recent acquisition of rainproof pants that look and feel exactly like regular pants/track bottoms (technology!), I am all-weather muahahaha!
P.S. The chocolates *are* too pretty to eat.
Allison Smith says
I need one of those Nuraini!!!! There chocolate ‘were’ lol
ETA Australia says
Nice photos. The green view of Launceston city park leaves my face with a big smile. Loved it.
Allison Smith says
Thank you! A very pretty city ?
Penny says
I never used to like rainy days. In fact when I was living in Goa and the clouds broke overhead I would grumble. Now when I look back at those times I am nostalgic. The ability to relish the moment comes only later I guess.
Allison Smith says
If sure does Penny! It was pretty miserable at the time but I am so glad we got out and about.
Ada says
wow Launceston looks amazing even with rainy weather! I am glad you manage to still do some cool stuff while it was raining! I always try do as much as possible when I travel and even rain wouldn’t stop me. Your photos are beautiful !
Allison Smith says
Thanks Ada. Launceston can sure turn it on!
Jean Bean says
Despite the typical Tasmania weather it looks like an amazing place to explore. I was drooling over those chocolates. Oh such pretty little sweet treats. I’m going to have to try these out myself next week when I’m there.
Allison Smith says
We made the best of it! The chocolates were fabulous!
Abhinav Singh says
Tasmania is so much on my mind. Not much is written about it. I am amazed that you can reach here under such low fare. I hope I plan a long trip here someday soon.
Allison Smith says
You are so right Abhinav. Tasmania is probably the least visited of all Australia’s states but so very beautiful!
Clare says
It looks like a beautiful place to explore. I haven’t made it to Tasmania yet but it does look so beautiful and so much to see. The views from the chairlift look stunning and it would of been great to see the gorge but it can be a nightmare hiking in the rain!! I nearly fell from a mountain in Peru this year as it was so slippy so sometimes its best to leave it and maybe give it a go another time 🙂
Allison Smith says
Agree Clare! Not sorry we have the trails a miss. I feel like we still made the best of the hand we were dealt!
Katie Featherstone says
I’m glad you made it outside and the sun came out eventually! It looks beautiful! I’d love to visit Tasmania.
Allison Smith says
I was definitely glad to see the sun come out Kate!
Stephanie | Adventures in Aussieland says
It’s Tassie just beautiful?!? I’ve only ever been to Hobart but would love to see more of Tasmania one day.
Allison Smith says
Hobart was lovely but I think Freycinet would have to be my favourite.
Rhiannon says
Firstly (and definitely the most important) – how on earth are they chocolates?! They look like gemstones or a star or something. I don’t know if I’d be able to bring myself to eat them, I’d want to frame them and keep them forever.
Cataract Gorge looks amazing! I’m so glad the weather eventually calmed down for you but it’s definitely hard to believe all your photos are from the same day!
Allison Smith says
I know Rhiannon! They were so pretty! I did eat them though and they were lovely!
James Smith says
The best thing about visiting a park is when it’s raining you get the whole place to yourself, I love the lush green picture you took in there (It’s Instagram worthy!). I love the building the Hogs Breath Cafe is located in, the name of the restaurant is pretty unique too. Those chocolates you photographed would have lasted about 5 seconds if I had bought them! I love the first few photos at Cataract Gorge, the wet weather made it glisten!
Allison Smith says
That is certainly true we were the only ones there! Tassie has so many Instagram worthy places it’s insane!
Barb says
Launceston looks like an amazing place to visit. Thanks for telling the World about it. It is certainly the kind of place, I need to put on my bucket list.
Allison Smith says
How you make it soon Barb!
Carola says
Glad to see that the weather cleared up — what a difference a few hours make!
Honestly, when it rains and it is cold outside I have no qualms about staying in my hotel and reading a good book or watching a movie. It’s traveling and not work after all 😉
Happy continued travels!
Allison Smith says
I know right Carola! So hard to believe there is only a few hours between these photos!
Hendrik says
So I was googling this place (Cataract Gorge) to find out more, since I had no idea. There are some really great impressions here. I love your nature shots, they are just beautiful!
I really like the fact that you were brave enough to go out into the rain crossing the river – sometimes it is just good to do things instead thinking a thousand times through and through. And as you said, at one point the rain anyway stops 🙂
Allison Smith says
What on earth did we ever do before Google Hendrik? Glad I piqued your interest to find out more!
Natasha | Meldrums On The Move says
The park here looks beautiful. I’d love to take my son there some day!
Mimi & Mitch says
Have heard so much from tasmania from our ex roommate that is from there! The nature looks so stunning from your pictures! Would love to spend a few days in Launceston too! amazing spot and for sure doesn’t seem too crowded!
Allison Smith says
I hope you make it there soon! You will have the perfect guide in your roommate when you finally make it!