So it probably doesn’t come as too much as a surprise to you that I am a very proud Sydney Sider, but what did come as a surprise to me is that only 9% of my readers are from this wonderful city I call home. Google analytics is a wonderful thing isn’t it? Anyhoo, it got me thinking that maybe I should do my bit for Destination NSW and do a little bragging on here about all the things that make Sydney so fabulous. Thinking of visiting Sydney? I’ll help you avoid the tourist traps and see Sydney like a local. Read on for all the details …
Getting To Sydney

Getting Around Sydney
Let people get off the train before boarding. We are not as pedantic as Singapore and Malaysia who paint lines on the platform indicating which areas are to be left free, but it is the expected norm that you will not stand in front of the doors and let everyone alight before attempting to board. This is particularly true on the busy city circle line. This is critical at peak hour. Central Station has actually employed people to stand on the platform policing this. Yes seriously. This is what it has come to. Sadly shrill shouts of ‘stand clear of the doors’ is a regular part of my morning routine.
Do not make a sound in the quiet carriage. No I mean seriously, not a single sound. The narkiest people in the city sit in these carriages, mostly hoping someone will slip up and do something outrageous, you know like sneeze, so that they can very loudly tell them to be quiet because it is a quiet carriage. Anyone else see the irony in this? Best just to avoid them like I do. They are usually either the first or last carriage and are marked.
Finally and this is a biggie …
Don’t bother ME. Yes I mean ME personally. I realise this is public transport and I have no reasonable right to expect not to have to deal with fellow commuters but honestly, why do I always run into the most selfish society has to offer? I swear, on any given day, each and every one of my buttons are pushed by people like the person who stops to drop their kid/dad/lover off but no one else can get around them. There is a kiss and drop zone for a reason. Use it! Or the woman who puts her bag on the seat so that no one sits next to her. I don’t care if it is Chanel lady, move it or lose it! Or the incessant talker. I have my own problems! And what about the great unwashed. I mean that literally by the way; you know the guy, he hasn’t showered for a month and is skimping on deodorant? He is going to sit next to me every day of the week and twice on Sundays. And don’t even get me started on the nutters. For all these people, I reserve a very special look of scorn that is so icy it would freeze off a witches warts. Don’t make me throw it your way! In case you want to avoid me, I’m on the green line daily.

If you are going to be catching a fair bit of public transport you are going to want to get yourself an Opal Card. You can order online before you leave home or buy one from a retailer when in Sydney. With an Opal card you will never pay more than $60 a week in fares. Sundays are the day to explore on the cheap because you can take unlimited trips on public transport in Sydney and surrounds (up to and including Nowra and the Blue Mountains) for only $2.50 so make the most of it. More information here. I’m not a fan of the buses so avoid them if you can, but some areas simply cannot be accessed any other way.

What You Need To Know About Sydney
Sydney is huge. It’s bigger in size than the two most populous cities on the planet (Tokyo 37 million and Delhi 22 million) and similar geographically to Los Angeles but with around a fifth of the population (circa 5 million vs 17 million). Sydney is one of the most photographed cities in the world and sprawls from the harbour in the East, to the Central Coast in the North, Wollongong in the South and the Blue Mountains in the West. I have lived here all my life (45 years) and still haven’t seen it all. Be selective about what you want to see.
Sydney is in the top ten most multicultural cities in the world with around 40% of residents born overseas.
Aussie’s use the metric system e.g, Celsius, Kilometers, Metres, Kilograms, and Litres.
We use 240 volts. Make sure you have an adapter if you appliances are 110v – 125v unless you want to fry them.
We drive on the right side of the road. And by that I mean the left. To assist tourists who are not familiar, we have helpfully written “Look Right” on most CBD streets. It’s not that we don’t trust you to figure it out yourself, it’s just that we would hate to see you skittled by a crazy cabbie! We are not patient drivers. Road rage is alive and well in the streets of Sydney. I swear, no one has a second to lose and everyone’s time is clearly more valuable than yours. Hold someone up at your own peril. You have been warned. We also can’t drive in the wet. Three drops of rain hits the windscreen and I guarantee there is an accident somewhere. God helps us if it snowed in Sydney! We would have to shut the city down and hibernate for three months of the year. Actually that doesn’t sound completely awful …
We like a “U” e.g. colour, harbour, neighbour, favourite, behaviour etc …
We switch our “R’s” e.g. centre, litre, metre, etc
Virtually every word is improved with the addition of an “O” e.g. servo, bottlo, wino, boyo, arvo etc
Our bacon, bread and chocolate is better than yours. Damn right, it’s better than yours! (channeling Kelis!) I’m looking at you USA. Seriously, what do you do with the top bit of the bacon? And how can you like Hershey’s? And what is up with your bread? Do yourself a flavour (not a typo!) and try short cut bacon, Baker’s Delight and Cadbury’s while you’re here. You’ll never go back. OK, in a completely unbiased moment, I will admit Belgian chocolate is not too shabby 🙂
Our internet is slower than Latvia and The Czech Reublic. We rank 44th in the world (not happy!) and are still waiting on NBN in most parts … *sigh*
Our sun is dangerous. The hole in the ozone layer is not a myth and we live under it. I know you will be tempted to get a tan while you are here but know this: Australia has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer in the world, three times higher than the US and the UK, with one in every two men and three women falling victim. Even those who ‘never burn’ risk damage if they are not careful, so slip, slop and slap while you are here. If you want to go home with a tan, fake it, don’t bake it! On the flip side when the sun isn’t shining check out these great wet weather ideas.
Our surf is dangerous. About 25,000 surf rescues are completed every year and 90% are rip related. You are no match for mother nature and the power of the ocean, so if you can’t swim and don’t know how to read the conditions stay out of the water or at the very least swim between the flags and stay in the shallows.
Our critters are dangerous. Salt water crocodiles, red back spiders, box jelly fish, funnel web spiders, Irakanji, stone fish and inland Taipans. We have them all and they can be lethal. Just don’t touch them and you’ll be fine.

Where To Stay In Sydney

Where To Eat In Sydney
Australia has some of the best produce in the world and food options range from a budget burger to a degustation feast and everything in between. Our multicultural nature means you will be spoiled for choice with fantastic Greek, Lebanese, Indian, Japanese, Turkish, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese and Indian restaurants in Sydney. Got money to burn and what a hat or two? Check out Quay, Aria, Spice Temple or Tetsuya’s. Cafe Sydney is one of my very favourite restaurants. It’s just a little bit posh, but won’t break the bank. While summer is of course prime time to dine, blankets and heaters in winter keep it cosy. Try the goats cheese and spinach naan and the beef tenderloin (pictured). Grab an ice cream from Messina afterwards as you wander around the world famous Quay. The cool kids are flocking to Sydney’s newest dining district where there are a tonne of restaurants in Barangaroo to try.

Best Bars In Sydney

The Lingo?

My Top 10 Sydney Like A Local Things To Do

Борка Шаула says
I loved this post! I really found these facts interesting! I espcially liked how you explained the words you used, that are different. I often read some words and then I remember them and then auto correct corrects me, I and like, I was sure they were correct and I now I know, where they are correct!
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
So glad you liked it! There is so much more to say but it’s a very long post as is lol
Gryselle Mae says
I have heard so many awesome things about Sydney! My Australian friends are all from Melbourne and they and they went to Sydney for a trip a few months ago. Wish I was able to go with them!
xoxo, G
Nina Sogue says
This is a very comprehensive list! Though it’s a bit long, I love how you’ve written this down in a witty way. I haven’t been to Australia, but it’s in my bucket list. Once I get the opportunity to visit, I know which guide I will review. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
P.S. Looking forward to try the bacon 🙂
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Hope you make it to Sydney one day Nina ?
Nicole P. says
You know, if I had a term paper on Australia and how life is there, I would be loving your blog right now because you basically have EVERYTHING here! <3 Especially Cadburry. If I were to choose between Hershey's or Cadburry when going for milk chocolate, I'm Cadburry all the way! 🙂 I am curious though, is Roar and Snore a sort of glamping style of accomodation? 😀
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Thanks Nicole ?
Iris says
I’ve met a wonderful australian friend this summer while in Scotland, this and your description are making my feet itchy! Can’t wait to visit Australia!
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
That’s awesome Iris! Come in the summer (Dec – Feb) to see Australia at its best ?
Malaika Fernandes says
Loved your post about Sydney it has always been on my travel list ever since i have heard stories from my friend who studied in the uni at queensland. The pictures are fabulous
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Queensland is lovely too Malaika but Sydney should be at the top of your list ?
Damiansz says
Im impressed. Thats the best Sydney guide I found in the internet so far. I have been planning my journey to this place for last one year.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Thanks Damiansz. Hope you enjoy Sydney.
Carola says
I would love to visit Sydney one day. And these are some great tips. A friend mine might go a while to Australia for work. So that would be the perfect excuse for me to visit her. Australia is for me literally the other side of the world. But I’d love to visit.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
You should definitely try if your friend is here Carola. ?
Laveena Sengar says
This post was definitely better than all the travel guides provided. I have always been an admirer of the place and this detailed description is going to be very helpful in future for me. Thanks for sharing.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Hope you get to use it when you next visit Sydney Laveena.
Maja | Mexatia says
Great guide, full of handy tips and funny at the same time – I laughed out loud several times while reading.
I love Australian money, it is so colorful and unbreakable, but I had no idea your internet was so terrible. I need to show this to my hubby, he is an IT and he was even searching for a job in Australia for a while.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Tell him to come over and fix it Maja ?
Indrani says
This was very elaborate and in detail. Very helpful for foreign tourists to your place.
It is more like a booklet than a blogpost. Do make an e-book out of this.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Thanks Indrani! That’s a great idea ?
lex says
everyone has said a few from what i would have said, i once had a relative who stayed over there and he said a few of these to me way back so its more like i can now confirm these, well in all, its such a wonderful place to visit, as they are every traveler/visitors dream destination, most especially now that Christmas is around the corner.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
It really is a wonderful place to visit Alex ?
kathy (from says
I love cities which tells me which way to look when crossing the road. I am always getting it wrong. I loved Sydney harbour but I didn’t have much time in Sydney itself so would love to return. Your post is jam packed with information. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Lol I have almost got skittled a few times looking the wrong way in the US and caused uproar once in Mykonos driving my rental the wrong way around a roundabout … Oops! I lived to tell both takes though ?
Filipa says
Visiting Sidney is on my “things to do before I die” list. Such a gorgeous city! Nice photos!
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Thanks Filipa I hope you make it one day ?
Sheri @ A Busy Bees Life says
You outlines this in such a fantastic way. You could be a fantastic guide for seeing Sydney. I have never been but have been wishing to go for a long time now. I am still trying to find the moment to go over there. I also want to try the wine and hang out with locals. I never realised how much there was to see and do. Need to share this post with a friend who is heading over there next month,
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Thanks Sheri. I hope you friend has a great time and enjoys my guide ?
Sam Coronado (@followyouroad) says
Great way to show off your hometown! A lot of Australians are very proud of their country-continent. Who wouldn’t? I know a lot of Filipinos there, and they swear the love the culture. Would love to see it for myself!
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
There is a lot to be proud of Sam ?
blair villanueva says
Sydney is definitely included in my travel bucketlist. I would like to explore the city like a local and enjoy every moments of it. ? I’ll use your post as my helpful guide.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Thanks Blair! I hope you make it to Sydney is the not too distant future. ?
Bianca says
Adding Sydney to mg bucketlist………..
Looks like there are tons of things to do there! Im hoping to visit them all someday! I will definitely use this blog when that happens! Are those your daughter or sisters in the picture?:) they’re cute btw 🙂
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
I hope you make it to Sydney Bianca. They are my friends little girls and yes they are very cute but also cheeky lol
Kimberly C. says
Wow, Sydney looks like a great place to visit and with this guide, I’m sure not to skip anything. Great blog. Bucketlisting a Sydney visit 😉
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Awesome Kimberly. I promise I am not biased in the slightest ?
sandra says
Nice article! Sydney is on my bucket list. I definitely wanne go sometime. Your pics are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. X
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
I hope you make in someday Sandra and have a great time here ?
Alouise says
Wow. I wish I was going to Sydney. As a fellow Commonwealther (Canadian here) I appreciate the added u in your words, and the switching of r’s. And I’d heard terms like arvo and that before, but had no idea what it meant, so that list of Australian slang will come in handy when I eventually get to visit Sydney and the rest of Australia (hopefully sooner than later).
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
The u and r thing seriously drives me nuts with spell check lol In Oz if it can be shortened it will be ? I hope you love Sydney Alouise. I was in Canada about 4 years ago but only for a few days. Time to go back soon I think!
Brittany Hemming says
Sydney looks amazing! I have been meaning to come visit for a while. I think it’s hilarious that you have quiet carriages on the train! That’s a good tip because I think a lot of people might get on them by accident and make some noise! Thanks for all the info! You’ve covered everything!
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
It happens Brittany and chaos ensues lol I hope it doesn’t happen to you! ?
Nya says
Sydney looks so beautiful, I hope I can visit some day, has always been on my top destinations list. Plus, I love chocolate, so I bet I’ll enjoy there 🙂 In fact, I want to go now and enjoy Bondi beach. Thanks for the detailed article.
Deni says
My boyfriend is actually from Sydney and we’re hoping to go there sometime next year after I’ve graduated from Univeristy! It’s great to have another local’s opinion on the best spots in Sydney! He mentioned something about this little hipster area of town, have you heard much about that area? (And if so, is it worth the visit?)
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
He must be a lovely guy then Deni lol. Are you talking about Newtown by any chance?
Susanna Kelly says
I’m excited to read this post as I will be in Sydney for the entire month in December, with a few small trips to the coast! I pinned this guide so I can come back and reference it. I’ve heard the food is really good, so I’ll be trying some of these restaurants for sure, except the Vegemite, my boyfriend already made me try that once haha.
Cheers, mate! 🙂
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Lol Susanna how can you not like Vegemite? It’s delish! Oh hope you have a fabulous time in Sydney. There are a lot of great places up and down the coast from Sydney and I probably explored them all. December is a great month to come. I hope the weather will be fabulous for you!
L J Legend says
I really enjoy reading your posts. And going across Australia is on my to do list by 2018, and this article has really helped thank you 🙂 Looking at your photo’s makes me wanna go there sooner.
Ree says
I never knew how big Sydney is!! I’ve never been and would love to go. It looks beautiful and that food looks delicious! Ree love30
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
A lot of people don’t realise Ree … And it’s still spreading!
Kari says
Australia, and Sydney especially, is at the very top of my travel bucket list! Looks phenomenal and I can’t wait to visit someday. Lol about the slow internet, I live in Costa Rica and the internet here is as slow as the sloths 🙂 And you always must be careful of the dangerous critters!
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Don’t even get me started on the Internet! I bet Costa Rica is above Sydney! Seriously! 44th is a joke but don’t let that out you off. We seem to get by somehow lol
Shai Habon says
I love how detailed this post is. I agree with all the tips especially the shopping part! Always good to find something stylish as souvenir. Bookmarking this post since I’m planning to visit Sydney soon! 🙂
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Awesome Shai. You will have to let me know if you try any of my suggestions ?
Mommy Queenelizabeth says
Ive read Sir Robert’s comment about Aussie Corned beefs! Yes, they are very good! Perfect for breakfast with fried rice and egg! 🙂 kidding aside, Australia is one of the many countries in my bucket list. We have relatives there who were working and they’ve been there for ages.. someday i would love to be there too and explore the place…
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
I sure you would love it! We are a very friendly bunch and if you have relatives here you already have a cheap place to stay ?
There are the occasional rude people wherever you go. Nothing much we can do about that. The Aussies here in my country, some of them I have devoured… literally. (Australian beef, that is.) I love the way you write. Honest and witty and that is how I think Aussies are. At least that is my impression.
After reading and looking at your posts, I’d say I have a better understanding of Aussies and more about the beautiful city of Sydney. It would be such a pleasure to have the opportunity to visit one day.
Sydney Fashion Hunter says
Thanks Robert! Agree people can be rude anywhere and I have managed to find them all over this planet lol. I’m not quite sure why they are all drawn to me. And yes Aussie beef is the best!