Well the thing is, I have recently lost a whole bunch of weight. My journey started on 1 January 2014, no doubt like countless others. This time was different though, this time I actually stuck to my guns and made it happen! At 43, I’m fitter and healthier than I have ever been and the changes have given me a brand new lease on life, but before you start thinking that this is going to be a weight loss blog … stop right there! Losing 20 kilos meant going from an AUS 12 to an AUS 6. If I’m really honest with myself, I was a size 14 but vanity meant I was still squeezing into those 12’s anyway and they were getting really really tight!. So, in July 2014 when I had reached goal I no longer had a single item of clothing in my closet that fit me … well unless you count socks, which for the purpose of this exercise I am not going to. I repeat … NOT A SINGLE THING! I needed a WHOLE new wardrobe.
Enviable position? Yes and No! Yes because it essentially gave me a license to hit the shops open slather and go for broke … but it is daunting and expensive when you are literally starting from scratch. I hear what your thinking … buying clothes is easy right what’s the issue here? Well I am very particular and quite possibly my own worst enemy. Some (my husband and BFF’s!) would say I am way too fussy but I make no apologies. I know what I like and more importantly what I don’t like. Close enough is not good enough. I like to scrutinize every single item to the nth degree, deliberate for hours and then often don’t buy it anyway, because the zipper colour is not right … or the cut is slightly off … or the shade is not exactly what I was after … or the length is not absolutely spot on … or …well you get the picture!
So this blog and Sydney Fashion Hunter was born out of wanting to share my experiences of hunting down that perfect item in the harbour city. I sincerely hope I can connect with other like minded women who can share my pain, learn from my failures, celebrate my successes and share their own stories which hopefully I can learn from too. Be sure to follow along my new series The Wednesday Pants where I’m planning on wearing the same white pants every week for a year.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog.
Until Next time …
Happy Hunting!
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