Looking fabulous after flying long haul is often unheard of, even for frequent fliers. Most of the time, the harsh cabin air at 35,000 feet and above can leave your skin looking dull and lacklustre. However, beauty enthusiasts need not despair. Looking immaculately radiant after a long flight isn’t impossible. Sometimes all you need is a few beauty tricks and tips handy in order to get that holiday-ready glow upon landing.
1. Don’t Overindulge Too Early

2. Pack The Right Products In Your Carry On
3. Up Your Hydration Game
4. Sleep Your Way To Better Skin

5. Go Bare In-flight
– Margaret Lai, Flight Purser at Cathay Pacific
Until Next Time …
Marion Halliday (Red Nomad OZ) says
On a recent long haul flight I was surprised to hear the cabin crew refuse 3 passengers requests for another late night alcoholic drink (they’d already had a few) on the grounds that it would dehydrate them too much!!! I’d never seen that happen before – and wished that it had happened on the previous flight where the passenger behind us vomited up the 6 drinks she’d had over the last few hours when we hit some turbulence! Working your way through the wine list is SO not a great idea!! Love the other tips and will try them out next time 😀
Allison Smith says
That’s so funny Marion! No more drinks for you lol. Flying does really dry out my skin though ?